纪录客BBC 2015年正在播出的纪录片,按四季来介绍北美阿拉斯加这片神奇的冻土,一周一集,已经播出两集,后续更新中。阿拉斯加州(英语:State of Alaska,俄语:Аляска),是位于美国西北太平洋沿岸、第49个加入美国合众国的一个州,也是美国面积最大的州、世界最大的飞地地区。阿拉斯加 州东接加拿大的育空、英属哥伦比亚,南邻阿拉斯加湾、太平洋,西濒白令海、白令海峡、楚科奇海,与俄罗斯楚科奇自治区和相望,北临北冰洋。“阿拉斯加”(Аляска)这个名称是在俄属北美时期引入的,当时是用来指阿拉斯加半岛。阿拉斯加这词来自于阿留申语的一熟语,象征的指整个阿拉 斯加。从字面上来理解,意思为”object to which the action of the sea is directed”或者源于阿留申语的“Alyeska”一词,意思是“很大的陆地”。本系列将观察阿拉斯加一年的景象,揭示富有探索精神的生活在阿拉斯 加的人和动物的故事,追踪他们与大自然斗争并捕获每个季节大自然赋予的财富。Alaska is the latest wildlife trilogy from the BBC’s award-winning Natural History Unit, showcasing one of the most iconic wildernesses on the planet.Narrated by Dougray Scott, this three-part series takes in a year in Alaska, revealing the stories of pioneering Alaskans, both animal and human, as they battle the elements and reap the benefits of nature’s seasonal gold rush.Alaska is huge – by far the biggest US state, and still one of the wildest places on earth. It has deep forests and vast mountain ranges, and a third of it sits above the Arctic Circle.The whole state goes through some of the most extreme seasonal changes: where temperatures can reach in to the 90°s F in summer and can plummet to -80°F in the winterYet plenty survives here, and it is home to some of the hardiest animals on the planet. Each one has its own quirky way of getting through the challenges of the seasons. Above all, this is a land of great characters.Episode one shows spring. Each spring Alaska faces the greatest transformation on earth. Temperatures soar and as the sun’s rays hit the snow and ice, water, light and warmth return. Alaska’s transition to spring may look magical, but for those animals emerging from a winter’s sleep it’s a time of intense competition.In the first episode viewers find a mother sea otter nursing her fluff-ball baby through the early, chilly days of spring; black bear cubs emerge from their den to find themselves faced with a daunting climb from a tree. It’s ‘get up and go’ for an Arctic ground squirrel, who has just a few hours to find his mate before rivals muscle in. Stealthy 50-ton sperm whales steal fish from the end of fishermen’s lines, as everything rushes to make the most of the great spring bounty