IWM纪录片《福克兰冲突 Falklands Conflict 2022》全5集 英语中字 百度云盘下载 720P - 纪录客

纪录客福克兰战争,又称为马尔维纳斯群岛战争(马岛战争),是指1982年4月到6月间,英国和阿根廷为争夺英方称之为福克兰群岛的主权而爆发的一场局部战争。该战争被视为冷战期间规模最大、战况最激烈的一次海陆空联合作战。以4月2日阿根廷登岛进攻为导火索,随后,英国派出海空军对马岛和周边海域的阿根廷军发动反击,登陆并且收复马岛。阿根廷在一系列的军事行动失败后,于同年6月14日与英国签订停战协议。 1982年4月2日,阿根廷军队入侵英国的海外领土福克兰群岛,随后又占领了南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛。尽管距离遥远(8000英里),英国还是派遣了一支由战舰和快速改装的商船组成的特遣队前往南大西洋。 On 2 April 1982, Argentinian forces invaded the British overseas territory of the Falkland Islands, followed by South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.Despite being 8000 miles away, Britain sent a task force of warships and rapidly refitted merchant ships to the South Atlantic. 激烈的空中、海上和陆地交战最终导致阿根廷军队在4月26日撤出南乔治亚岛,6月14日投降福克兰群岛。649名阿根廷人,255名英国军人和三名福克兰群岛居民丧生。 Fierce fighting in the air, at sea and on land culminated in the surrender of Argentinian forces in South Georgia on 26 April and the Falkland Islands on 14 June.649 Argentinians, 255 British service personnel and three Falkland Islanders were killed. 这场冲突的结果可以说是撒切尔夫人领导下的英国以及阿根廷总统加尔铁里的领导地位的转折点,后者在失败后被自己的政府罢免。 IWM纪录片《福克兰冲突 Falklands Conflict 2022》 The outcome of the conflict was arguably a turning point for the leadership of Margaret Thatcher and for Argentina’s President Leopoldo Galtieri, who was removed by his own Government following the defeat. 1 起因 Why the Falklands Conflict Happened 2 海战 Falklands Conflict at Sea – How the British Task Force Took Control of the South Atlantic IWM纪录片《福克兰冲突 Falklands Conflict 2022》 3 空战 Falklands Conflict in the Air – How British Harriers Beat the Odds 4 陆战 Falklands Conflict on Land – How British Forces Retook the Falklands 福克兰冲突 5 后果 Falklands Conflict Aftermath – The Global Impact of a 74-day Conflict