DW纪录片《蔡司175年:从显微镜到光刻镜 175 Years of Zeiss – The Rise of a Global Company 2022》英语中字 百度云盘下载 720P - 纪录客
纪录客DW纪录片《蔡司175年:从显微镜到光刻镜 175 Years of Zeiss – The Rise of a Global Company 2022》175年前,年轻的机械师卡尔·蔡司在德国耶拿开设了一家精密机械和光学工作室。这些谦逊的开端奠定了蔡司技术公司的基础,如今该公司在全球范围内运营。生产具有革命性光学性能的玻璃是卡尔·蔡司创立一家高度重视科学研究并始终不忘科学社会影响的公司之一。 175 years ago, the young mechanic Carl Zeiss opened a small workshop for precision mechanics and optics.These humble beginnings in the German city of Jena were the foundation of the Zeiss technology company, which today operates worldwide.The production of glass with game-changing optical properties was one of the developments that helped Carl Zeiss create a company that valued scientific research highly, while never forgetting science’s soCIAl impact. 蔡司显微镜被30多位诺贝尔奖获得者使用。直到今天,这些仪器提供无与伦比的图像分辨率,其镜头可以显示比人类头发细一千倍的结构。光学显微镜也能以极佳的温和度和速度检查活细胞。 Zeiss microscopes have been used by more than 30 Nobel Prize winners. To this day, these instruments offer unrivaled image resolution, with lenses that can display structures one thousand times smaller than a human hair. Light microscopes allow living cells to be examined with extreme gentleness and speed, as well. 蔡司公司参与了1969年的登月计划,因此帮助重新定义了人类的极限。历史事件的图像是使用专门为太空开发的蔡司相机镜头捕捉的。 The Zeiss company was involved in the moon landing in 1969, and thus helped redefine the limits of what humans are capable of. Images of the historic event were captured using Zeiss camera lenses developed specially for space. 卡尔·蔡司公司(Carl Zeiss AG)是一家制造光学系统、工业测量仪器和医疗设备的德国企业。由卡尔·蔡司、恩斯特·卡尔·阿贝和奥托·肖特于1846年在耶拿建立。公司的名称来源于创始人之一的德国光学家卡尔·蔡司。 蔡司175年:从显微镜到光刻镜