瑙鲁纪录片《当两个世界碰撞时 When Two Worlds Collide 2016》西班牙语中字 磁力下载 1080P - 纪录客

纪录客瑙鲁纪录片《当两个世界碰撞时 When Two Worlds Collide 2016》瑙鲁纪录片《当两个世界碰撞时 When Two Worlds Collide 2016》中,土著领袖抵抗大企业对亚马逊土地的环境破坏,当他被迫流亡,并面临20年监禁时,他的追求揭示了不同的愿景,这些愿景塑造了亚马逊的命运和我们世界的气候未来。 An indigenous leader resists the environmental ruin of Amazonian lands by big business. As he is forced into exile and faces 20 years in prison, his quest reveals conflicting visions that shape the fate of the Amazon and the climate future of our world. World Premiere 在这场紧张而身临其境的壮举中,观众们直接置身于强大而对立的秘鲁领导人之间的火线之中,这些领导人不惜一切代价保持各自的目标完整。一方面是渴望进入世界舞台的总统阿兰·加西亚,他开始积极开采未被触及的土著亚马逊土地上的石油、矿产和天然气。 In this tense and immersive tour de force, audiences are taken directly into the line of fire between powerful, opposing Peruvian leaders who will stop at nothing to keep their respective goals intact. On the one side is President Alan GarCIA, who, eager to enter the world stage, begins aggressively extracting oil, minerals, and gas from untouched indigenous Amazonian land. 他很快遭到土著领袖阿尔贝托·皮桑戈的强烈反对,皮桑戈对加西亚的破坏行为发表慷慨激昂的演讲,成为无数支持者的强大呼声。当加西亚继续无视他们的请求时,紧张的口水战演变成了致命的暴力冲突。 He is quickly met with fierce opposition from indigenous leader Alberto Pizango, whose impassioned speeches against Garcia’s destructive actions prove a powerful rallying cry to throngs of his supporters. When Garcia continues to ignore their pleas, a tense war of words erupts into deadly violence.