BBC地平线系列《自我监控 Monitor Me 2013》英语内嵌中英双字 磁力下载 720P - 纪录客

纪录客BBC地平线系列《自我监控 Monitor Me 2013》我们可以通过智能手机应用程序和一些电子产品,更好地监测日常生活。方凯文博士发现了数字技术给医学带来的变革。他接触了监测领域的先锋,其中,走在前沿的医生给病人开的处方很可能是一些手机应用程序而不是药品;世界上受监测程度最高的人会通过数字而非症状来发现自身的疾病;麻省理工学院的教授能监测人们通过手机获得的面部数据进行面诊甚至追踪流感。 节目最后,凯文遇到一位少年计算机科学家,他代表了医药学的未来。他相信这个少年将来能采用我们通过自我监测得到的数据,来破译人类的健康密码。 Dr Kevin Fong explores a medical revolution that promises to help us live longer, healthier lives. Inspired by the boom in health-related apps and gadgets, it’s all about novel ways we can monitor ourselves around the clock. How we exercise, how we sleep, even how we sit. Some doctors are now prescribing apps the way they once prescribed pills. Kevin meets the pioneers of this revolution. From the England Rugby 7s team, whose coach knows more about his players’ health than a doctor would, to the most monitored man in the world who diagnosed a life threatening disease from his own data, without going to the doctor.