纪录片《友谊 We Come as Friends 2014》多语言内嵌中英双字 百度云盘下载 720P - 纪录客

纪录客《友谊 We Come as Friends 2014》是一部关于南苏丹独立的纪录片。 Entente Cordiale intends to illustrate colonisation as a human phenomenon in an explicit manner as well as in a metaphoric sense without suggesting simplified accusations or political propositions. It will not be a historical film since colonisation as well as slave trade are still happening today – in a modified way, a more industrial, massive and more global fashion than a hundred years ago. 机器翻译 仅供参考:Entente Cordiale打算以明确的方式和隐喻意义将殖民化描述为一种人类现象,而不是暗示简化的指责或政治命题。 它不会是一部历史性的电影,因为殖民化以及奴隶贸易今天仍在发生 – 以一种改良的方式,比一百年前更具工业性,更大规模和更全球化的方式。 友谊的获奖情况