纪录片《拯救我的首尔 Save My Seoul 2017》韩语英字 磁力下载 720P/1080P - 纪录客

纪录客Save My Seoul follows two Korean-American brothers as they discover rampant prostitution and sex trafficking in Seoul, South Korea. With the use of hidden cameras and access to pimps, johns, and sex-workers, Eddie and Jason explore and unravel the complexity of the sex trade in Seoul. They learn that this problem is rooted in issues far deeper than lost girls and lustful men. Instead, it’s a consequence of the broken Korean culture that turns a blind eye to and condones one of the biggest human injustices of our generation. 【机器翻译,仅供参考】纪录片《拯救我的首尔 Save My Seoul 2017》跟随两个韩裔美国兄弟在韩国首尔发现猖獗的卖淫和性交易。艾迪和杰森利用隐藏的摄像头,接触皮条客、约翰和性工作者,探索并解开首尔性交易的复杂性。他们了解到,这个问题的根源远比迷失的女孩和好色的男人更深。相反,这是韩国文化破碎的结果,它对我们这一代人最大的不公正行为视而不见并纵容。