BBC纪录片《仆人:楼下人的真实生活 Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs 2012 第1季》 全3集 英语中字 百度云盘下载 720P - 纪录客

纪录客一百年前英国仆人的真实生活如何?在BBC纪录片《仆人:楼下人的真实生活 Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs 2012》中,社会历史学家Pamela Cox博士讲述维多利亚时代至今英国家仆的真实故事。 帕梅拉·考克斯博士看着维多利亚时代统治精英们的豪宅,这些豪宅是依靠一大群在楼梯下辛勤劳作的工作人员建造的。维多利亚时代的人们开创了一种新的奴役观念,忠诚无私的仆人被标准化的制服、发型,甚至是象征地位的通用名字,打破了他们的个性。 在北威尔士埃尔迪格保存完好的房间里,像忠诚的管家韦伯斯特夫人这样的仆人的画像暗示着家庭和仆人之间的深情关系,但对大多数人来说,现实情况却大不相同。 社会历史学家Pamela Cox博士 在其他庄严的家庭中,隐藏的通道使仆人与家人分开。匿名、隐身和种族隔离是他们辛苦工作的一个关键部分,严格的仆人等级制度甚至保留了下来。 Dr Pamela Cox looks at the grand houses of the Victorian ruling elite – large country estates dependent on an army of staff toiling away below stairs. The Victorians ushered in a new ideal of servitude – where loyal, selfless servants were depersonalised stereotypes with standardised uniforms, hairstyles and even generic names denoting position. In the immaculately preserved rooms of Erddig in North Wales, portraits of servants like loyal housekeeper Mrs Webster hint at an affectionate relationship between family and servants, but the reality for most was quite different. In other stately homes, hidden passages kept servants separate from the family. Anonymity, invisibility and segregation were a cruCIAl part of their gruelling job – and the strict servant hierarchy even kept