大蒜纪录片《大蒜胜十妈 Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers 1980》英语内嵌中英中字 百度云盘下载 720P - 纪录客
纪录客莱斯·布兰克的可爱怪鸡大蒜纪录片《大蒜胜十妈 Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers 1980》,大蒜爱好者的集体狂欢。 A documentary on the history of garlic. Blank interviews chefs, garlic lovers, and historians about the their love of the ‘stinking rose.’ Often referred to as a stinking rose, garlic, in its culinary uses, generally evokes a love it or hate it response. Quite often, these responses are on cultural lines, where old world cultures have generally revered it in their cooking, while new world cultures have not. A renaissance of sorts is taking place in the use of garlic in the United States, with more and more immigrants bringing their use of the spice to the country, with more people desiring more spice in their food, with a desire to get back to the land and with the production of plant a large part of the Central California landscape. Many chefs are presented preparing dishes prominently featuring the spice. On the bad side, the assoCIAtion of garlic to bad breath is discussed. On the other side, its purported health benefits are also discussed. Other topics presented include its association to vampirism, and speculation of how people will want their garlic to be presented to them in the future. 大蒜 Garlic 大蒜(英文名称Garlic;拉丁名称Allium sativum L.),为百合科(Liliaceae)葱属(Allium)植物的地下鳞茎。大蒜整棵植株具有强烈辛辣的蒜臭味,蒜头、蒜叶(青蒜或蒜苗)和花薹(蒜薹)均可作蔬菜食用,不仅可作调味料,而且可入药,是著名的食药两用植物。 大蒜鳞茎中含有丰富的蛋白质、低聚糖和多糖类、另外还有脂肪、矿物质等。大蒜具有多方面的生物活性,如防治心血管疾病、抗肿瘤及抗病原微生物等,长期食用可起到防病保健作用。